Friday, September 05, 2008

Fine Art Friday - Angels in Art

Luca Giordano
St. Michael and the Fallen Angels by Luca Giordano

Detail Fra Angelico
Detail Angel - Fra Angelico

Guardian Angel
Guardian Angel - Araldo di Luca

Rembrandt Sacrifice of Isaac
Abraham and Isaac - Rembrandt van Rijn, Hermitage

da Vinci Angels
Baptism of Christ - painting by Andrea del Verrocchio,
Angels on the left by Leonardo da Vinci, Uffizi Museum

Brueghel Rebel Angels
The Fall of the Rebel Angels - Pieter Brueghel

William Bouguereau
First Kiss - William Bouguereau

Alonso Cano
Angel Supporting Dead Christ - Alonso Cano
Museo del Prado, Madrid

Soon the Catholic church will be honoring some of God's messengers...our guardian angels and the archangels. Today, we spotlight angels in art. As you can see by the particular works of art chosen for this week's FAF, not only were the good angels depicted by the masters, but also the fallen angels.


  1. Beautiful Esther:)

  2. Lovely artwork, Esther.
    I am always reminded when I hear mention of angels or see art depicting them, of the line in the bible when we are cautioned to be hospitable towards strangers -we might be entertaining angels unaware.

  3. AWESOME!!! I came last night but was too sleepy to leave a message... hehehe...

    Love you, dear Esther!

  4. Thanks Tracy.

    Oh Veritas, so true!

    Thanks stopping by again dear Easter!

  5. Ooohh I live the 3rd piece!

  6. It is beautiful Melissa!
