Saturday, August 02, 2008

View From the Top

Diamond Head
of Diamond Head (Le'ahi). In Hawaiian it means the brow of the Yellowfin Tuna.

Le'ahiMy 11 year old nephew commented when a T-Shirt hawker tried to sell us a T-shirt that more or else said "I've made it to the top of Diamond Head"....I can't buy that T-shirt because it doesn't say "I've Been to Hell"

I wonder if the 99 steep steps leading up to the crater itself had anything to do with his comment?

It took us 1 hour to complete the hike up to the top and return down the crater. I believe the tour itself is about 1 1/2 hours long.


  1. oooh... awww.. fantastic view!!!

  2. Pretty pictures, and that must have been one heck of a climb up and back down.

  3. Sounds tiring. Funny comment about the t-shirts.

  4. It really is Tracy.

    MC, it was a little hard doing those steps. Going down was pretty easy.

    Mahalo Melissa ;-)

  5. My brother and his family just came to Ohio for a visit and brought their Diamond Head pictures with them. They were there three weeks ago (visiting from Maryland). Their pictures look JUST like yours -- gorgeous Hawaii -- always beautiful. My 16 yo niece sure complained about that climb! :o)

  6. Glad they enjoyed their stay in HI Barbara.
