Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Nun

Mother Angelica

I watched The Nun on EWTN last evening. I really did not know what to expect but the previews from the documentary looked very good.

If someone had asked me to guess which country the subject of this documentary was about, Sweden would not have been in my top 10 guesses. Yet this young nun was indeed from a Swedish family living in Sweden.

St. ThereseSurprisingly, the woman who documented "Marta's" life just prior to her entry into the very strict Carmelite order, and who followed her story for over 10 years, was not even religious. Yet, she did a very decent job as one can see by the results of this documentary.

Marta comes from a very devout and large Catholic family. They live on a farm with their own chapel and lots of love. Their father is a Church deacon. The mother is full of life and very loving and motherly. It is no wonder that this type of environment helped to nurture a vocation in their daughter.

To contrast the story, one of Marta's two brothers is spotlighted. He professes to not know whether or not there is a God. Yet, as far as I could tell, he seems to spiritual in his own way.

For those who missed it you still have a chance:

THE NUN 1 hr.
Get an inside look at a religious vocation taking shape in the rich environment of European Catholic family life in this unique documentary look at a Swedish Catholic family and their daughter Marta who has decided to become a Carmelite Nun.
Sat 8/23/08 8:00 PM ET & 5 PM Pt
Sun 8/24/08 2:00 AM ET & Sat 11 PM PT
Thu 8/28/08 1:00 PM ET & 10 AM PT


  1. Thanks -- I'm setting the DVR.

  2. I wish we got EWTN. The upgrade is very pricey to get this station. I try to catch what I can from their website. Maybe I'll look for this movie(?) at Netflix.

  3. I hope you enjoyed it Barbara.

    Alexandra. I didn't know you didn't get EWTN.
