Saturday, August 09, 2008

Invitation From Rome to the Children of the World


The following is an email I received from Connie Schneider, Children of the Eucharist.
HI Esther,

Hope you are well! I was overjoyed to hear from Father M. Here is the video announcement from Father Patrick Byrne, General Secretary from Rome, for the

Worldwide Children’s Eucharistic Holy Hour. Please forward to your address book and everywhere in the world.

God Bless you Esther


Africa Americas Europe Oceania Asia,
Catholic School Children to unite globally in Eucharistic Adoration, following in the footsteps of the three little shepherds of Fatima!


World Apostolate of Fatima USA

Holy Childhood Association

Children of the Eucharist ~ Friends of the Hidden Jesus

Invites you to join in and help gather the:

Catholic school children to unite globally in Eucharistic Adoration,

following in the footsteps of the three shepherds at Fatima!

Fr. Byrne’s Invitation from ROME!

Fr. Patrick Byrne, General Secretary from Rome, invites the Children of the World

to the 6th Annual Worldwide Children’s Holy Hour.
Click here

For more information please visit us @ Children of the Eucharist .

May God reward you for helping spread the word!

Connie Schneider

World Apostolate of Fatima

Please forward to all in your address books!

We need volunteers to translate text below and send to Diocesan Offices around the world!

Children of the world!

Greetings from Rome!

My name is Father Patrick Byrne and I am the General Secretary of the Holy Childhood Association, and I am very happy to announce to you, that I will be joining you for the Sixth Annual “Worldwide Children’s Eucharistic Holy Hour.

This is also the 100th anniversary of Blessed Francisco; he was one of the three children from Fatima, of the little shepherds, who always wanted to pray before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.

I‘m inviting you to join with me and with Blessed Francisco’s and the prayers of the schoolchildren who will be gathered at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington DC on First Friday, October 3rd.

We will have a lovely procession crown a lovely statue of Our Lady of Fatima, and pray before the Blessed Sacrament and join in the World Mission Rosary.

EWTN will broadcast this event to over 40 different nations, spiritually uniting the prayers of our world’s children.

I am encouraging all parishes all the schools to gather children and families before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, giving them the unique opportunity to participate in this Worldwide Eucharistic Holy Hour, to pray for peace in our families and in our world.

The Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI counts on the prayers of the children he knows that you are part of the mission of the church, so please join in!

To keep us all united please visit us @ Children of the Eucharist

May God Bless you , Guide you and Keep you safe!

Thank you and May God bless you.


  1. We posted on this last year, thanks for the reminder of this beautiful event.
