Tuesday, August 05, 2008

The Importance of Manners

Thank You
I found an interesting blog post regarding "Thank You" and the Chinese culture.

Importance of Manners

The writer claims that in the Chinese culture, there is no "please" or "Thank you".

Now, I find this assertion interesting because I am not sure if he is right or not. I may have to ask my Chinese relatives about that one. It seems to me that the Chinese side of my family has always had manners. They are very courteous people.

Then again, it may be an interpretation based on different cultures. For example, when our son first came to live with us, he refused to look us in the eyes when we were talking to him. In Western cultures, this could be perceived as rude. Which in fact is how my husband and I interpreted it. However, a Japanese friend taught us that in Japanese culture, it is considered very rude for a younger person to look into the eyes of an older person.

Now, I know we all encounter people who do not say "please" or "thank you" Wonder what their excuse is?

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