Friday, August 15, 2008

Fine Art Friday - Special Edition - The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

This week we will spotlight famous artists' depictions of the same theme, the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven body and soul.
Assumption School of Avignon
Assumption - School of Avignon

Assumption El Greco
Assumption of the Virgin by El Greco

The Assumption of the Virgin, a fresco at Sopocani, c 1260

Assumption Bernini
Assumption of the Virgin by Gianlorenzo Bernini

Assumption Carracci
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin by Annibale Carricci

Assumption Poussin
The Assumption of the Virgin by Nicolas Poussin

Assumption Rubens
The Assumption of the Virgin (1612-17) by Peter Paul Rubens


  1. A beautiful tribute to Our Blessed Mother!! I always wondered how to find pictures as pretty as these. Your blog is awesome!! Thank you.

  2. Beautiful, I particuarly love the fresco. Happy Feast Day!

  3. Mahalo nui loa dear ladies!
