Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Catholic Schools Must Strive to form Saints

Mother Elizabeth Ann Seton

In his column in the Catholic Key, Bishop Robert W. Finn from the Diocese of Kansas City–St. Joseph emphasized that “Catholic schools exist for a supernatural purpose:” to assist students in developing virtue on their path to ‘eternal salvation.’
Catholic schools must strive to form saints, says bishop


  1. So many Catholic schools have wandered from the intent. For instance St. Joseph schools here were founded by Bl. Mary MacKillop and Fr. Julian Tennison Woods to educate the poor. These days the school fee's are SO pricey the poor cannot afford to send their children there. I think some of our Saints are weeping over what they founded and how far it has gone astray.

    Peace, JOY & Love to you Esther:)

    Marie xoxooxox PS: I placed a post about abortion on my blog. I hope you will read it.

  2. Same problem here Marie. That is why I posted a picture of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. Her intentions on starting the Catholic school systems in the US was to educate Catholic children for free. Nowadays, the tuition is pricey and also, in order to fill the seats, the majority aren't even Catholic! The faith is watered down so as to not offend the non-Catholic students. That is one reason we took our son out of the Catholic high school and homeschooled him instead.

