Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Beautiful Little Film - The Story of a Sign

Mahalo to Murph for sharing this with me.

Historia de un Letrero
5 minute award winning film. It is absolutely beautiful . . . . Won Best Short Film from Mexico at Cannes Film Festival.

Please take the time to watch.


  1. I loved this little film..So much can be conveyed in just a few minutes.

    Compassion has no colour, it is environmently friendly has no harsh side effects and can be taken and given in huge doses.

    Thanks for sharing this uplifting film.

    Peace & much love to you my friend:)

    Mariee xoxooxoxoxox

  2. Anonymous3:14 AM

    Thank you for sharing this.
    I teared up and realized just how selfish I was upon watching it...

    thank you.

  3. Nice way to put it Marie.


    Same here Sylvia. Thanks for sharing that.
