Saturday, June 07, 2008

Immaculee to Lead Pilgrimage to Marian Sites

Mahalo to AJ who left the following comment on this blog entry:
this is great! I just found out when searching for information about the movie that Immaculee is taking people on a pilgrimage. take a look: International Peace Leader and Rwandan Genocide Survivor to Lead Historic Pilgrimage
Immaculée Ilibagiza, Rwandan Genocide survivor, recipient of Mahatma Ghandi International Award for Reconciliation and Peace 2007, and author of the New York Times bestseller Left to Tell, will lead a Catholic Pilgrimage for her first visit to the celebrated Marian Apparition sites from October 28th through November 5th. Immaculée will personally lead the nine-day mission to the Grotto of Lourdes, the Little Chapel of Apparitions, and the Cathedrals in Fatima, Burgos and Santiago de Compostela.


  1. I heard her speak last year at Caldwell College. She was fantastic! God bless her good work of reconciliation!

  2. We did too Padre. She came to Hawaii twice.
