Thursday, June 12, 2008

Battling for America’s Soul - The Danger of Homosexual "Marriage"

H/T to my mom.
The Christian moral system is no minor part of Christianity, any more than the heart or lungs are minor parts of the human body. Overthrow the Christian moral system and you will have overthrown Christianity itself. Therefore, those who are pushing for the institution of same-sex marriage are ipso facto pushing for the elimination of the Christian religion... Prof. David R. Carlin
How Homosexual “Marriage” Threatens Our Nation and Faith—TFP Urges Lawful and Conscientious Resistance


  1. good post Esther!!

  2. As I previously mentioned, state marriage is no marriage at all (wheether heterosexual, homosexual, or cat and dog). It is not recognized by the Church. It is not a sacrament and it has none of the graces of a true marriage.

    As far as I am concerned, the state should stop pretending it has any right or authority to marry. Period.

  3. Thanks Tracy and Richard!

  4. Anonymous5:21 AM

    I'm really surprised that the TFP only focuses on homosexuality and hasn't embraced the bible's advocacy for slavery and stonings for crimes instead of prisons. There are many components in the bible that are conveniently ignored but suddenly homosexuality is a target - can it be because that is the only remaining group in the United States against whom discrimination is still legal?

    The Republican Party, as so firmly supported by the Catholic church, must be so befuddled over the conflict from that civil war mistake abolishing American slavery when they now see they must be on the leading edge of fighting *for* discrimination against loving gay couples.

    The other thing that confuses me is, given the claim that marriage is only for straight people to procreate, why do they allow the marriage of infertile couples. That is a puzzling conflict.

  5. Daniel, with traditional marriage at risk in many states, it is no wonder why TFP is focusing the emphasis on the danger of permitting homosexual marriages.

    The Catholic Church has always spoken up against injustices all over the world. e.g. Bishop Gassis of the Sudan brought the plight of the Sudanese people (who were enslaved by the Muslims) to our attention before celebrities like George Clooney got involved.

    e.g. protection of the unborn. The Catholic Church is very much against those republican politicians who support the tragedy of abortion. It is the Catholic Church again who continues to speak out against it...even denying Holy Communion to those politicians who continue to speak out in support of abortion.

    I am not sure why you equate what was done to the slaves in our country with the "rights" of homosexual couples. We are talking apples and oranges here.

    Marriage is a sacrament and maybe it is God's will that the couple not have children. It still may be their vocation in life.

    I direct you to the following link.
    Please scroll down until you get to the part about infertile couples.

    I direct you to today's post on quotes by Cardinal Thuan on the Sacrament of Matrimony.
