Saturday, May 31, 2008

Mary's Garden - Roses

rose08These roses are from my parent's garden. I planted them over 20 years ago. They have been dormant almost that long. This year loving care by my parents resulted in these beautiful roses.


  1. How long will you be away from paradise and in my neck of the woods? I have no problems driving north for a visit, but I am going on a trip the end of the week.

  2. Gorgeous. What a gift!

  3. Beautiful!!! Prune, water, love and then they bloom!! Thank you! Cathy

  4. What beautiful roses and I love the statue of Our Lady in the other photo's.

    We have to rearrange our garden because of our new puppy who has gone and destroyed my plants:( waaaaa:((. Oh, well I start again.

    Peace, JOY & Love to you Esther:)

    Marie xoxoxo *waves furiously to Esthers Mum lol;)

  5. I'm here for a while Ellen. How far are you willing to drive? Where would be a good place to meet? Mall?

    Thanks Rosemary and Cathy.

    Thanks Marie. My parents' big Shar pei mix loves water. In the photo where my mom is watering, the big doggy jumped in and was jumping all over the plants trying to get to the water.

    My mom says hello :-)

  6. Beautiful and so vibrant looking!

  7. I know it is not very original but I adore roses. They are so lovely. And the roses are just beautiful!!

  8. Oh Esther,
    How I love this post! This shows so much of who you are: a beautiful person who knows what to plant, when to plant, when to appreciate the fruits and when to share them. :-)
    Much love and lots of hugs,

  9. Amy, roses are our Lady's flower because they are so beautiful.

    Ah, thank you so much Easter dear.
