Friday, April 11, 2008

Postulator and Vice Postulators for Future Saints

Zenit repoted that a Postulator had been chosen for the cause of Sister Lucia.
Spanish Father Ildefonso Moriones was named the postulator of the cause of beatification of Sister Lucia, one of the three Fatima visionaries....A Vice Postulator is still to be named.
Here are a few others:

For the cause for canonization of Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen they are:

Dr. Andrea Ambrosi - Postulator
Fr. Andrew Apostoli, C.F.R. - Vice-Postulator

For the cause for canonization of Blessed Father Damien de Veuster they are:

Father Emilio Vega Garcia - Postulator and
Sister Helen Wood - Vice Postulator

For the cause of Fr. Patrick Peyton they are:

Dr. Andrea Ambrosi - Postulator
Fr. George Lucas, CSC (Congregation
of the Holy Cross) - Vice Postulator in the United States
Mahalo to Fr. David Marcham of the Vice-Postulator's Office for helping me with the ones for Fr. Peyton.

This list will be updated as necessary.


  1. Outstanding!
    My how art styles change over the years...unlike Bach's unaccompanied cello Suite playing in the background(not considering Yo Yo Ma's wonderfully romantic interpretations of the Suites, though...I am a Bach-o-phile).
    Thanks for sharing that wonderful video.

  2. LOL, we love Bach too :-)
