Wednesday, April 02, 2008

More Ways of Avoiding Purgatory


This is a continuation from yesterday's post on How to Avoid Purgatory

7. Ask God to Free You From Purgatory.

"Two conditions... make prayer infallible, namely perseverance and faith. God cannot refuse such a prayer."

You should pray expressly every day of your life that God frees you from Purgatory.

8. Offering God Your Death With Perfect Resignation.

Pope Pius X granted a Plenary Indulgence of the hour at death to those who would say at least after one Holy Communion the following prayer:
"Eternal Father from this day forward I accept with joyful and resigned heart the death it will please you to send me with all its pains and sufferings."
Fr. Sullivan suggests that we say this prayer after every Holy Communion we receive.

9. Receiving the Sacrament of Extreme Unction.

According to St. Thomas and St. Albert, this sacrament was instituted
"especially to obtain for us the grace of a holy and happy death and to prepare us for immediate entrance into Heaven.
10. Indulgences.
"Fully aware of our weakness and knowing, too, how fearful many are of penance, He opens wide the treasury of His Goodness and offers us most abundant Indulgences in exchange for some small act of devotion.

For one recitation of short ejaculatory prayers, He grants 100 or 200 or more days of Indulgence. These we may say hundreds of times in the day.
"Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place my trust in Thee"

By reciting the Hail Mary when praying the Rosary gains us more than 2000 days of indulgences.

These indulgences can be applied to the Holy Souls in Purgatory too.

11. By joining a Third Order.

Lay Carmelites

Third Order of St. Dominic

Oblates of St. Benedict

Pauline Cooperators

Salesian Cooperators

Secular Franciscan Order
"Among the extraordinary graces which Catholics gain by becoming members of a Third Order are a share in many Masses and prayers.
Benedict XV, a Tertiary said
"One of the easiest and most effectual ways of reaching a high degree of sanctity is by becoming a Dominican Tertiary."

..."Among the many beautiful characteristic of the Order of St. Dominic is its intense devotion and love for the Holy Souls, especially for the souls of its members, friends and benefactors."
12. Assisting the Holy Souls.
"The Holy Souls whom we relieve or release by our Masses and good works pray for us with such indescribable fervor that God cannot refuse to hear their prayers. One of the principal graces they ask for their friends is that these shall have little or no Purgatory...
13. Saving a Soul From Perdition.
"St. James, the Apostle gives another very effectual method of avoiding or lessening our stay in Purgatory. He says: "He who saves a soul saves his own and satisfies for a multitude of sins."
a. We can pray earnestly for souls. We can give them good advice and good example.

b. "The most efficacious method of savings souls is by propaganda viz: Catholic Action. Note: I am not sure if Catholic Action is still around but I found this one place that uses its principles. Catholic Success

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