Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Saintly Quote - Adoration

Shared by Sue

Let Us Adore
Let us adore Jesus in our hearts, who spent 30 years out of 33 in silence; who began his public life by spending 40 days in silence; who often retired alone to spend the night on a mountain in silence. He, who spoke with authority, now spends his earthly life in silence. Let us adore Jesus in the Eucharistic silence.
Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta


  1. Excellent Esther!

  2. I always wonder why so many people find being still and silent impossible?

    I find I become antsy when there is too much noise going on.

    Wonderful post TY Esther:)

    Peace & love to you:)

    Marie xoxooxo

  3. Thanks Tracy.

    Marie, ditto. I attended Mass at our parish church. I came about 1/2 hour earlier. It was so wonderful to be in the presence of God w/o the constant chattering we usually hear on Sundays before Mass.

    God bless
