Thursday, March 06, 2008

Lenten Resolutions and Meditations by Blessed Mother Teresa

Bl. Mother Teresa
Found in today's Magnificat readings.
During Lent we shall in a special way and with deep feeling meditate on the Passion of Our Lord and examine our conscience on what sin of ours caused that special pain to Jesus.

I will make reparation and share that pain by doubling my penance.

I shall keep strict custody of my eyes;

I shall keep clean thoughts in my mind;

I shall touch the sick with greater gentleness and compassion;

I shall keep the silence of the heart with greater care, so that in the silence of my heart I hear his words of comforts, and from the fullness of my yeart I comfort Jesus in the distressing disguise of the poor.

I shall confess especially my neglect of penance.

We often pray, "Let me share with you your pain; I want to be the companion of Jesus crucified," and yet when a little spittle of an uncharitable remark or a thorn of thoughtfulness is given to us, how we forget that this is the time to share with him his shame and pain.

During this Lent let us improve our spirit of prayer and recollection. Let us free our minds from all that is not Jesus...

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