Sunday, March 09, 2008

Be a Blessing to Others

My friend Carlos gave me permission to share with you the following which he wrote for some friends:
Do people know that YOU care and do YOU look for opportunities to be a blessing to others?

Consider this my friends ....

Instead of complaining because your paycheck is too small, be grateful that you even have a paycheck. Consider the many thousands of people who are unemployed and frightened because they do not know where the next meal will come from to feed their families.

Instead of asking "what is in it for me?" consider what you YOU can do for a fellow member of God's human family as opposed to doing "it" simply because it benefits YOU.

Instead of spending five dollars on a pack of cigarettes or fifty dollars on a college or pro sporting event, why not send that five or fifty dollars to an organization or agency that helps abused children get back on track with their lives?

Instead of feeling sorry for yourself because YOU are alone, why not visit an aging brother or sister living in a senior home or a child in a hospital who truly understand the meaning of lonliness.

Instead of complaining about your boss, supervisor or co-workers, why not consider that they are people too. Consider that they are people who are loved just like you and people who are depended upon, just like you. They may not always be fair, right, or agreeable, but are we when it comes to others? Think about that!

Instead of complaining because YOU think that God isn't doing enough to change the world, why not start by looking at the world YOU live in and change that?

Instead of asking for raise after raise to support your indulgent excessiveness, why not become less material, needy, and wanting and more economical, practical, and sensible. Ask yourself, "Is it something I truly need, or just something that I want?" There is a difference.

I can go on, but I believe WE get the picture here.

"People don't care what you know, they just want to know that you care." It doesn't get any simpler than that.

I am ready to become a blessing to others. Are you?


Carlos Michael Padilla


  1. Another brilliant post.

    I always say and live by this Creed. Dont wait for the 'government' to act if you see a need in your own community DO something about it.

    If a school is run down and you belong to a Parish prayer group or some other group save money and buy this school books. DO something. Let people know YOU care about them..dont leave it to 'someone else'.

    Excellent reflection WOW Esther your on fire today my friend;).

    Peace, blessings & love to you:)

    Marie xoxooxox

  2. Marie, I hope Carlos sees you comment. Mahalo and God bless,

  3. Hello Esther,

    How wonderful you are to believe one of my musings was worth posting. You are so awesome. Thank you. I do pray that it will provide "food for thought" during those times when we aren't feeling so Christian like under the collar, LOL.

    My best to you and all who visit your wonderful blog.

    Carlos Michael

  4. Carlos, how nice of you to visit!! I really enjoyed this one and as you can see so did Marie. Others read but do not always post comments. Oh well ;-)
