Sunday, February 10, 2008


The following blog link was shared by Emile-James.


I know there are no coincidences with God. Proof of that is that today, the Director of Vocations was our visiting priest at Mass. He gave a wonderful and very interesting talk about the update of the young men interested in the priesthood in the Diocese of Honolulu and how the Diocese is working of promoting this ministry. He started off by saying we should pray for more vocations and support our seminarians financially too.

My DH and I were happy to hear Father Peter twice mention that we should all pray for Joey's vocation. Joey happened to be the Altar boy at the Mass. After Mass we had an opportunity to chat. Since my friend Easter and I are working on a special ministry together within our Diocese which involved the Director of Vocations, I thought I should introduce myself. That introduction let to about 1/2 hour lively conversation and laughter (Fr. is very funny) among him, other friends from our church and my family.

Starting today, the Diocese's Prayer for Vocation will be permanently placed on my sidebar.


  1. Hi Esther! I hope you mothers don't mind the childless(yours truly) popping in and reading your blogs..they have some very good things to read and ponder.
    I am so pleased and thankful when I hear of a young person who wants to answer a religious call...especially to the priesthood. They are badly needed and here in this area the young ones newly ordained are also very seriously overworked because of the shortage.
    I always make it a habit every now and then as I am greeted by the Celebrant, to thank him for 'saying' mass, and when I go to the shrine and upon leaving the 'box' I always thank the priest for being there for us.
    A good word as well as prayer is so important, I feel.

    And...thank God for Catholic mothers who give their children in prayer to holy mother Church.

  2. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Dear Esther,
    This is a wonderful thing you and Easter are doing. May God bless all your efforts in this cause.
    You both will be in our prayers.

  3. Of course not Teresa. You are always welcomed...everyone is. What a wonderful way to acknowledge our priests!
    Fr. told me today that 70 percent of our priests were invited by a priest to become a priest. Today, he invited our son.

    Thank you Ed. Easter and I could sure use the prayers to get this off the ground successfully to benefit all our priests and seminarians.

  4. Esther, what a wonderful thing to share on your blog!

    I must say: What a joy it is to work with Esther! Laugher is always a part of our friendship and what a wonderful thing that is! :-)

    I was also telling Esther that our bishop said Mass at our cathedral today so I was able to update him of the progress of this ministry. He was quite happy to know that we have more names of mothers desiring to become spiritual mothers for priests here in our diocese. God is awesome, all-wise indeed!!! Always got all bases covered!!!

    Thank you, Esther!!!

  5. Yup, we sure laugh a lot don't we Easter. :-) Thanks for sharing the update with us here.
