Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Virtual St. Joseph's Altar - 2008

St. Joseph
Thanks to my friend Becca, I see that Thank Evann has continued the tradition of the virtual St. Joseph's Altar through her website below:

The Virtual St. Joseph's Altar 2008


  1. That's cool! Since St. Joseph is my patron for the year (through our SFO fraternity) I will have to link to that site!

  2. Anonymous4:14 AM

    Thank you, Esther, for the link. You've sent lots of visitors to the Altar. Viva San Giuseppe!

  3. Hey, that's great Barb! BTW, the SFO here are helping Easter and me supply us with the priests who will be our spiritual sons.

    Evann, thank you for continuing this lovely tradition.
