Monday, February 25, 2008

St. Joan of Arc - Maid in Heaven

Joan of ArcPicture source: This site

A reader left the following video link in a comment. Mahalo em2hisbluff33!

The trailer is to promote the book Maid of Heaven. The link also appears on my sidebar.


  1. Hi Esther,
    I'm having troubles with dear St. Joan of Arc. Two of my books say her feast day is May 30th...One newer book doesn't even list her...and Google took me to your post and you have her for Feb. 25.
    What's going on? Has she been removed from the church calendar?
    Thanks for any help. Also, thanks for telling me about the nominations for 2008. I wasn't even aware of this.

  2. You weren't kidding Micki! It took Joey and me together to figure out when it is. It appears to be May 30th. My February 25th post wasn't to commemorate her feast day. I was just posting something about her. Sorry for the added confusion.
