Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Priestly Vocations in America: Recent Trends

Holy OrdersPicture source: Joyce Images and used with permission.

H/T to Ignatius Insight Scoop
A survey of dioceses rich in seminarians and dioceses poor in them.

The 20 dioceses with the lowest ratio of diocesan seminarians to Catholics in 2006—starting with the bottom-ranked diocese—were San Diego, Honolulu, Metuchen, Las Vegas, Laredo, Los Angeles, New York, Hartford, El Paso, Rochester, Santa Rosa, San Antonio, Galveston-Houston, Rockville Centre, Boston, Syracuse, Detroit, San Bernardino, Reno, and Monterey.
Although, Honolulu is one of the Diocese in the bottom 20, there is hope under our bishop and our vocations director, that more men will answer the call to the priesthood.
Bishop Silva says, "Since 2006, we have gone from one seminarian to three current seminarians. In addition, I recently ordained to the priesthood three men who came to the diocese from an institute of apostolic life. Our challenge is to create a culture in which priests, religious, parents, catechists, and parishioners promote vocations to the priesthood and religious life. This has been one of my highest priorities since I became bishop of Honolulu." Bishop Silva appointed a new full-time director of vocations in July.
Prayer by the laity is also of crucial importance for our men to answer the call to the priesthood. This is one reason why Easter and I are felt the need to respond to the call of the Vatican to provide our priests and seminarians with spiritual moms.


  1. Nothing like a good spiritual mom to guide in the right direction.

  2. Thanks for the post Esther!

    We now have 7 seminarians financially supported by our diocese. I found out from a BCC member that we have more, about 23 total.

    Here is the article from Zenit on Vatican Seeking Spiritual Moms for Priests:


    God bless our priests and seminarians!

    Thanks Esther!

  3. There is such a Priest shortage here that in some Parishes they only see the Priest once a month!

    We must PRAY for more Priests:).

    Thanks for this post Esther:) God bless you always.

    With much love,

    Marie xoxoo

  4. We think so John Michael :-) Thanks for stopping by.

    Easter: Yay!! That is really good news.

    So true Marie. God bless,

  5. Anonymous4:08 AM

    Never underestimate the power of prayer...(as if any of you would!)

    After every Mass, our good priest has the entire congregation kneel and pray for an increase in vocations. The result? We now have 13 vocations (in less than a decade) from a small, inner city Catholic Church that offers both the TLM and NOM.

    Pray for vocations!

  6. Prayer and Adoration when you can get it. The stunningly ugly church I went to for confession last week has had perpetual adoration for some time now and has the highest number of vocations in our diocese.
    (I am still praying for my son. I could be wrong of course, but I do think he is meant for the priesthood)

  7. Kimberly, what a wonderful idea! I wish our priests here would do that.

    WS: I like the way you referred to it as "stunningly ugly" What makes it so? I am praying for my son too although he told me he doesn't feel a calling.
