Friday, February 22, 2008

Movie Producer - Steve McEveety

I usually do not cross post but I thought the message of supporting good movies was important so I am posting this here too. Originally posted on the Love2Learn at the Movies blog

Steve McEveety
Steve McEveety is the one on the right
Picture source: HERE

Last evening on Life on the Rock it was a movie discussion night. First it was an interview with the World Over's Raymond Arroyo who discussed the upcoming Academy Awards. Mr. Arroyo strongly suggested that if we, Catholic families want more wholesome movies with a message made available to us, then we had better start supporting them by going out and seeing them in the theaters. Two movies that he mentioned were Bella and Juno. BTW, Mr. Arroyo's guest tonight on the World Over is movie critic Michael Medved. Be sure to watch what I'm sure will be an interesting show.

The next guest was Steve McEveety. His name may not ring a bell. However, he was the executive producer of the Passion of the Christ the controversial movie that realistically brought our Lord's sufferings and ultimate sacrifice to the big screen.

Mr. McEveety was also the producer of the aforementioned Bella.

Since his conversion back to the faith (although he never fully left it) following the making of the Passion of the Christ, Mr. McEveety's new vocation is to make movies with a good message, although not necessarily religious movies.

One movie he strongly recommended we see with a powerful Easter message is The Star of Bethlehem The following is from the movie's official site:
From Producer Stephen McEveety (The Passion of the Christ) comes an amazing documentary on the Star of Bethlehem. This presentation has been viewed by tens of thousands in the U.S. and in Europe and this new DVD reveals the evidence for God's existence as seen in the stars above. Presenter Rick Larson walks you through biblical and historical clues revealing the eternal significance of this celestial event as well as the vastness of God's creativity. Discover the secret of the Star...a secret of magnificent beauty.
I was happy to hear that now in the works for Mr. McEveety is a movie based on Immaculee Ilibagiza's autobiography Left to Tell.

If you didn't have a chance to watch the Life of the Rock interview last night, I hope you watch it or listen to the entire show through the EWTN's Life on the Rock Feb. 21st archives


  1. Anonymous6:45 PM

    I also agree that we must support only decent movies. My husband and I decided to only support decent DVD rental companies. We recently joined Faith and Family Flix, an online rental company that only has CLEAN movies and LOTS of saint movies. We love it.
    You can check it out for yourself at

  2. Thank you! I had a quick visit and it looks like a good blog.

  3. this is great! I just found out when searching for information about the movie that Immaculee is taking people on a pilgrimage. take a look:

  4. Thanks AJ. I posted about it today.
