Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament

"Jesus is with us always in the Blessed Sacrament. Let us make sure that we recognize Him and love Him before it is too late. Daily say the Rosary and if possible attend daily Mass and receive Christ in Holy Communion."
From the NAS (Nocturnal Adoration Society) Letter January 2008


  1. Esther, it is wonderful to know that NAS encourages daily attendance of Holy Mass. For those of us privileged enough to attend daily Mass, we are blessed with the opportunity to pray for those unable to do so e.g. soldiers, doctors, elderly caregivers, etc.

    Thank you for this post, Esther!

  2. Easter, you said it. It is a privilege and we should do everything possible to attend when we can. Today I couldn't and I felt so badly about it.
    God bless,
