Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Holy Water

Ah, one of my favorite sacramentals. That little bitty bottle that they sell in Catholic stores isn't big enough for my family. I use a very clean, empty decorative Arizona Tea bottles (the glass ones) to store our Holy Water. Can't wait until Easter for our new Holy Water!

I found the following at The Anchoress' place

And, in case you are wondering how Holy Water is made Mark has the instructions. I also got this from my friend Lois.


  1. Anonymous6:18 PM

    A relative gave something similar to my family, its nice considering 150th anniv.


    Thanks again for prayers for my aunt, I appreciate it if you cont to do so until she is out of the hospital

    God bless!

  2. Good idea...I'll keep that bottle in mind.

    My husband went to get Holy Water a few months ago. I asked him to buy the Holy Water flask for $1.00 at the religous shop in the church. The shop was closed, so he came home with Holy Water in a sippy cup! I really need to re-bottle it...right now it's stashed on top of my closet so we don't confuse it with dd's water.

  3. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Men, before you bless your wife with holy water for the first time, make sure she's not a vampire. :)

    "Holy Water: Don't Leave Home without It."


  4. We get Holy Water at Theophany (Epiphany in the West). I use a canning jar.

  5. MM: She is in our daily prayers thanks to the One Came Back blog.

    Alexandra, my aunt kept Holy Water in a bottle in the frig but didn't label it. Both her husband and daughter drank it all up.

    Nissa ;-)

    Mimi, do you also get it at Easter?
