Tuesday, February 05, 2008

For Lent

Purple flower

Fast from judging others;
Feast on Christ dwelling in them.

Fast from apparent darkness;
Feast on the reality of light.

Fast from thoughts of illness;
Feast on the healing power of God.

Fast from words that pollute;
Feast on phrases that purify.

Fast from discontent;
Feast on gratitude.

Fast from anger;
Feast on patience.

Fast from pessimism;
Feast on optimism.

Fast from worry;
Feast on divine order.

Fast from complaining;
Feast on appreciation.

Fast from negatives;
Feast on affirmatives.

Fast from pressure;
Feast on unceasing prayer.

Fast from hostility;
Feast on nonresistance.

Fast from bitterness;
Feast on forgiveness.

Fast from self-concern;
Feast on compassion for others.

Fast from personal anxiety;
Feast on Eternal truth.

Fast from discouragement;
Feast on hope.

Fast from facts that depress;
Feast on truths that uplift.

Fast from lethargy;
Feast on enthusiasm.

Fast from suspicion;
Feast on trust.

Fast from shadows of sorrow;
Feast on sunlight of serenity.

Fast from idle gossip.
Feast on purposeful silence.

--William Arthur Ward


  1. Esther I love this post:). To me Lent is like a spiritual surgery, where we find how and why we failed God and to re-adjust our priorities. God first always.

    I also like how you put in who is the author of your posts:). Very inspirational.

    Peace to you:)

    with love

    Marie xoxooxox

  2. I LOVE THIS!!!!! Awesome post Esther!!!

    And... tagged, lol!!

  3. I love this!! Thank you and God bless!

  4. Thank you! This is beautiful. I hope you do not mind that I posted it on our family blog for others to read too.

    God Bless.

  5. Marie, TY. BTW, did you happen to catch Mother Angelica's encore show on Lent tonight? That was so helpful as we enter Lent.

    Thanks Tracy and Lisa. Glad you liked it.

    Not at all MomtoCherubs.
