Monday, February 18, 2008

Examination of Conscience for Children

Guardian Angel
The following is from Sue of Half the Kingdom

From a book by Fr. Robert Fox who took the Ten Commandments, and showing us what sins go with each commandment & why.
I. I, the Lord, am your God. You shall not have other gods besides Me.
Have I:

1. Remembered to love and adore God each day?
2. Prayed my morning prayers, evening prayers and other prayers of the day with attention and devotion?
3. Studied my religion?
4. Prayed for the suffering souls in Purgatory?
5. Been devoted to the Blessed Virgin Mary, the angels and saints and tried to honor them?
6. Observed Friday as a day of penance?
7. Tried to bring others closer to Jesus by my words and example?
For the rest of the 10 Commandments, please visit Sue's blog.

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