Friday, February 01, 2008

EWTN Has Arrived on Oahu!

EWTN hit the airwaves on August 15, 1981 and after soon-to-be 27 years, it will finally happen...EWTN, the Eternal Word Television Network, has finally arrived on Oahu and Kauai. I got word the other day from an executive at our local cable company Oceanic Cable, that they plan on launching EWTN on February 1st, on digital channel 408. I just checked and we have it!

To all of you who joined in our prayer for this to happen, mahalo nui loa!

Thank you dear Lord for making this possible!


  1. Anonymous10:44 AM


    This is awesome news. I remember when
    I first watched EWTN. Mother Angelica wooed me in with her "I don't mince words" style. She spoke on God's truth like no one else. You are so blessed!

  2. Oh Esther, I didn't know you were not able to get EWTN... oh, you are in for such a big treat!!

  3. i don't get EWTN here. that is a shame!!!!

  4. Esther,

    Great News! Enjoy!! :)

  5. Thank God my parents had EWTN in our home when it first came out. We used to look forward to Mother's shows. Yep, she did not mince words and she was hilarious.

    Tracy: I've been watching it all day.

    Marilena: Keep asking your cable company and above all pray!

    Thanks Anna!

  6. Oh Esther this is wonderful news!

    Now you have EWTN and I dont!!! waaaaaa.

    I have lost the signal and so will have to get a tech out to fix it for me. I am so hopeless at tech stuff. You will LOVE Fr. Corapi.

    So, this is a prayer answered. THANKYOU GOD!

    Peace, JOY & Good viewing.

    With love,

    Marie xoxoxoox

  7. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Congratulations, Esther!


  8. Marie, hope EWTN is back on. We watched the Mass for the Cause for Canonization for AB Sheen.

    Thanks Heather!

  9. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Praise God, and thanks be to you, Esther, for querying Oceanic Cable about this. My Mom is staying at my place; I just called her from work and had her check to see if EWTN was on, and it is. How wonderful!

  10. Isn't that wonderful Jack! It's the prayers that did it. That's all Dan and I have been watching. Thanks for stopping by.

  11. Esther,

    How I praise and thank God for this!

    Esther, I am so proud of you! Thank you for not giving up on this endeavor. I don't have digital connections yet, but when I do my heart will always know EWTN is there because of your efforts!

    God bless you and your family NOW AND ALWAYS!


  12. BTW on Superbowl Sunday, I told my M-I-L that it is because of my friend Esther that we have EWTN now. She's almost 80 years old and I can imagine EWTN will soon be her best friend! He he he... I love her very much! :-)

    Thanks again Esther!

  13. Oh Easter, you give me too much credit. I firmly believe God saw this as the right time for us to have EWTN. It has been a great comfort to us in recent days.

    I loved that story about your m-i-l and EWTN. :-)


  14. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Woo Hoo. That is great news Esther. Great resources as you know on EWTN. Happy for you and everyone on the islands.

  15. Thanks so much Chris! That is all we are watching around here.
