Thursday, February 07, 2008

Daily Lenten Resolution - Thursday After Ash Wednesday

From The Regnum Christi e-letter
Before doing something today I will pause to examen the motives for which I do it: is it for me or for God? If it is only for me, I will rectify my intentions or leave the deed aside, especially if I have the opportunity to do something else for God or to serve God in my neighbor.


  1. Hello, I am inviting you to fight for the one, holy, catholic and apostolic
    church and become a papist.

    All glory to the Most Holy Trinity through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary

  2. I thought I was one already being that I am Roman Catholic.

  3. You may be a Catholic but are you a Papist?

  4. You got me there Paddy. How do I join? :-)

  5. God bless you Catholic Mom and please pray to Our Lady.

    May she magnify your faith and allow you to share in her faith which made present the Word Incarnate.

    Pray the Rosary - the rosary of Saint Dominic. Do not pray the "Illuminati Mysteries" of John Paul II.

    There is a beautiful symmetry to the "real" rosary which perfectly sums up the Life Death and Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

    I hate to say "read my blog" although it would be a start. You are welcome to make any comment you like because I have an idea it will be printable coming from you.

    Find out all you can about La Salette and Fatima.

    Becoming a papist is hard. It took me over fifty years to become a papist.

    The reality is awful. We are now fifty years into the great chastisement and the Neo-Catholics and most of the Roman Catholics do not know this.

    It would seem that Saint Paul's predictions in Thessalonians 2:2 has already occurred. I say "seemed" because I am a Roman Catholic and do not interpret scripture.

    But for those of us who have lived long enough the signs are there to see.

    It is our duty to warn all our fellow Catholics. It is their duty to prove us wrong if we are wrong.

    Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary pray for us.

  6. Paddy, I was agreeing w/all you were saying until you cautioned about the Luminous Mysteries. May I ask why you do so? These are beautiful meditations of scripture which include the sacraments of baptism, confession, Holy Orders and Holy Communion.

  7. A manifest heretic cannot be pope.

    There are so many reasons why John Paul could not be pope it would take hours to write them.

    That is why I say become a Papist

    John Paul had no authority whatever in the Roman Catholic Church.

    All of the Vatican Two popes are condemned by previous popes.

    We papists are subject to our popes as the Vicars of Christ on earth.

    There is no higher authority on earth.

    The truth is terrible and the world is suffering the great chastisement foretold by Our Lady at Fatima -starting in 1960.

    Have you any idea how many millions of Christians were murdered in Russia from October 1917 onwards?

    Why did this happen?

    When did it stop?

    Why did it stop?

    You will not get any of this history on "Historical Christian." Aimee Milburn does not allow me to comment on her blog. Anyone may comment on mine provided it is not sinful.

    The communists took over the papacy in 1958. The last visible head of the Catholic Church was Pius XII.

    His successor was Pope Gregory XVII who lived until 1989 under house arrest.

    Have you any idea why all seven sacraments of the Catholic Church were changed?

  8. Okay, this discussion is coming to an end. I hope you see the error in your thinking and return to the full union with the Magesterium Paddy.

  9. sorry Esther but it is not a matter of thinking but a matter of faith.

    I have taken this discussion to a new level not just in your case but for all Catholic "bloggers"

    I have crystallised my beliefs even further by moving up a notch and declaring "I believe in the pope" Do you? This is on a second blog of the same title.
