Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Bloggers of the World!!

.....Award! (You thought I was going to say "Unite", didn't you?)

BOW award
That very popular British Blogger...Mac has awarded me this new and coveted award! I went back a bit to see how many people we are supposed to bestow the honors on. It appears that the original was 8 and then someone changed it to 10. So I pick 10 bloggers from far and wide:

1. View From the Pews in Australia How could I not choose them?

2. The Whitestone Name Seeker. One day I must inquire what her name means.

3. UKOK's Place and another fabulous blogger from the UK.

4. Serviam from Malaysia. And, it's good to see Mark blogging again.

5. A Bit of the Blarney I know she's in the US but I like to imagine her blogging from the Emerald Isle.

6. St. Therese's Roses formerly Divine Mercy in Canada.

7. Grandma's MusingsI'm not quite sure which state but I do know it's in the good ol' U.S. of A.

8. Catholic Warrior in Colorado.

9. Catholic Fire in Kansas.

10. and how could I end this w/o picking a blogger from NJ....From Across the Net and now that I know Ellen plays tennis, the name of her blog makes a lot of sense!


  1. (((((Esther)))))))

    thankyou so very much. I am honoured and touched that you thought of us. I am sure Ginny is too.

    Peace to you my dear friend:)

    Marie xoxoxoox

  2. Esther,

    Thank you so much! I am so touched and honored by this!

    God bless you!

  3. My pleasure dear ladies.

  4. Thank you Esther. I'm pleased that you considered me in your Nominations. It's a wonderful way to get introduced to more bloggers.

    BTW, we live in Middle Tennesee, where it's much warmer than our former Iowa, but definitely not the deep South. It sometimes gets into the single digits Dec. and Jan. We're starting to warm up a little now.

  5. Anonymous11:22 AM

    why thank you very much, Esther. Much appreciated!

  6. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Hi Esther - thanks so much for remembering me. This was a wonderful surprise on a chilly NJ day.

  7. My pleasure dear ladies! Thanks for letting me know where you are ME :-)

  8. Ah... what an honour! thanks so much Esther..

  9. I must say that I think my "clicking finger" must be broken...I was on my way to Bible study last noc and I either failed to say thank you after I read this or when I wrote my note I simply did not post it...At any rate sometimes multitasking for me can be a smidge in last noc...THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! Cathy

  10. Mark and Cathy, you are both welcome!

  11. Wow thanks! During Lent I'll be a bit slow, so don't think I'm not grateful! God bless!
