Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Alloooohhhha from EWTN!

Fr. Mitch Pacwa
While knitting and watching EWTN Live with Fr. Mitch Pacwa, I was pleasantly surprised to hear him mention to the viewers and guests which included Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz, that Hawaii finally has EWTN through Time Warner: Oceanic Cable!. He even bid us an aloha Hawaii!! Mahalo nui loa Fr. Mitch!


  1. Fr. Pacwa is great and he is the real deal.

    I remember once going to Adoration and as I was leaving I saw Fr. Pacwa in the back knelling before the Blessed Sacrament. I knew he was in town for a conference at the time, but it was pretty cool to see him take the time prior to going downtown for the conference.

  2. Anonymous10:07 PM

    Sounds wonderful..

  3. I LOVE IT, ES! "while knitting and watching EWTN live".
    Catholic Knitters..unite! YES!

  4. Thanks for sharing that story Jeff. I really like Fr. Mitch and now even more so.

    MOTL: Yes I am! It wasn't the same watching it on the computer.

    It is Jackie.

    Teresa, we should put our knitting needles together like the 3 Musketeers :-)


  6. Now Easter, you know it was prayers that did it.

  7. Anonymous7:19 PM

    O tried and true, O Latin Mass, I will always be beside You.

    O Christmas Tree, O Christ's Mass, I never take away my eyes from you.

    My Latin Mass, My Latin True, O how Very Extraordinary art You!

    O Latin Mass, O Latin Mass, make me happy any day Low or High too.

    From More's Bridge, to Campion's Tower - to Iona and up to Crocanaffrin. O Latin MASS, Yes Latin Mass, how Gregorian art you.

    I am never nervous near you, no novus disorder turns me round,

    For O Latin Mass, O Latin Mass, it's because I trust your Tridentine Smile.

    And so now I promise you, O Latin Mass, O My Sweetest Latin Mass, I will always be faithful.

    Learn Thy Mass!
