Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Visits From the Holy Souls

Holy Souls

The January and February Issue of The Friends of the Holy Souls Newsletter has been posted. Mary Ann shares intriguing stories by a friend "John" regarding visits from Souls in Purgatory.

Also remember that the best thing you can do for your family members who have died, is to pray for the repose of their souls and to have Masses said often for this intention. If they are already in Heaven, then I believe that the Masses will be applied to the souls in purgatory that are in need of them. The Masses and prayers will not go to waste.

I've mentioned this before but I can't stress it is better to have Masses said for us now than after we are dead. Why not consider offering Masses for your loved ones, friends, and/or yourself as a gift for birthdays, anniversaries, etc. If you need help with the Masses, you can check out Mary Ann's blog as she has priests who offer Masses for people.


  1. Esther, I visited Mary Ann's blog and found the newsletter very interesting reading indeed.
    I've read quite a bit about the Holy Souls in recent months and yet I totally agree with what you're saying about mass for the living.
    Thanks for the post and I look forward to returning again soon, Ann

  2. Thanks Ann. BTW, I highly recommend Get Us Out of Her by Maria Simma.
