Monday, January 14, 2008

The Universal Living Rosary Association of St. Philomena

St. PhilomenaIn the previous post I mentioned the Dedicated Decades magazine from the Universal Living Rosary Association. I have been a member for at least 6 years or so. I remember like it was yesterday. I was sitting next to Joey's Godmother and our friend Agnes approached us and asked if we wanted to become members. At that time, I was already a member of the Legion of Mary, Militia Immaculata and I'm sure something else so I was hesitant to accept. But our dear friend Adelaida did not hesitate. She accepted without hesitation for her and for me.
The Living Rosary is not a new devotion, but a continuation of the Rosary preached by St. Dominic and announced by Our Lady for centuries. The Living Rosary Association was founded by Pauline Marie Jaricot, who is also the foundress of the Society of the Propagation of the Faith. The indulgences granted to this simple devotion include all those of the Confraternity of the Holy Rosary and more!...
All it takes when you sign up to become a member, is to be responsible for reciting one decade of the Rosary daily. You are assigned a particular Mystery. I was assigned the First Sorrowful Mystery.

In the year that followed that enrollment, I grew lax in praying that one decade and wanted to quit. But my dear mom would not have it. She reminded me of all the good fruits that are obtained by praying this perpetual Rosary. Well, I couldn't never say no to my mom so I gave it another try and have been praying my decade ever since.

If you would like more information or would like to enroll. Please visit their website located at Universal Rosary


  1. ahh my patron saint!!! wonderful! i highly recommend people join this!! please, pray that Saint Pholimena's feast day is returned to calander.

  2. Esther dearest,
    Such a picture of St. Philomena! I know so little about her. Well, I better do some studing because that's where we go for daily Mass about 2 times a week now. When it is hard for the little ones to wake up early for the earlier Mass at St. Elizabeth's, we go to St. Philomena. I think she has much to do with "rescuing" us so we may not miss Mass. :-)

    God be praised for St. Philomena!

    Thanks Esther!

  3. OK... I meant to say: Such a BEAUTIFUL picture of St. Philomena... he he he...

  4. It really wasn't taken off was it?

    Easter, she's watching out for you :-)

  5. Great link! Thank-you!

  6. You're welcome Lisa.

  7. This is a wonderful organization and I'm so glad you posted about it. I joined right after I was diagnosed with cancer and was assigned the Glorious Mystery of the Resurrection.

    It was so perfect, because I felt that I was given a new life in many ways after my cancer diagnosis. Being part of a worldwide Rosary each day is an amazing experience. God bless. +

  8. Thank you so much for sharing that with us!
