Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Pray to End Abortion - 35th Anniversary of the Legalization of Murder

Our Lady of Guadalupe
Protectress of the Unborn

Listen, put it int your heart, my smallest child that the thing that frightened you,
the thing that afflicted you is nothing:
Do not let it disturb you...
Am I not here, I who am your mother?
Are you not under my shadow and protection!
Am I not the source of your joy?
Are you not in the hollow of my mantle,
in the crossing of my arms?
Do you need something more?
- Our Lady of Guadalupe 1531

"A child of God who is helpless and trusting boundlessly in His mercy has the power of the Creator Himself at his disposal."
-S.C. Biela, In the Arms of Mary

From In the Arms of Mary

Please pray to end abortion.

Please pray for the people marching for life in Washington, D.C. EWTN is covering it live

Remember today, January 22nd is a day of pray and fasting.
Jean has the details

Later today, my family will join hundreds of pro-life folks at the Hawaii State Capitol for the annual March and Rally for Life. Please pray that our appearance will change the harden hearts of our legislators and politicians.


  1. Anonymous9:47 AM


    Thank you for the pro-life links and prayer.

    I would like to also invite you to my blog for a special prayer challenge for the unborn. God BLess, Kathy

  2. Thanks Kathy, I will be right over.

  3. We are praying...I'll post later after the little one gets bath. D.C. is so close, but we couldn't make it this year. We did buy a few pink and blue crosses for the front the church lawn...the money goes to pro-life ministries.

  4. Anonymous1:47 PM

    I like the accuracy of the subtitle of this post, Esther -- 35th Anniversary of the Legalization of Murder. Yes, let's call it what it is. It's out and out murder. Some would have it called "choice" but purely and simply it's murder. Pray God that the eyes of mothers and fathers, and politicians and judges will be opened, and pray God that one day soon the murderous holocaust on innocent babies will end!

  5. Wonderful prayer Esther.

  6. Beautiful post, thank you!

    I marked this horrible anniversary with pictures - my son's ultrasounds and a picture taken yesterday.

  7. That's a wonderful way to commemorate this day Alexandra.

    Thanks Jack. Good to see you today!

    Thanks ladies.
