Thursday, January 31, 2008

Feast of St. John (Don) Bosco

Don Bosco
A wealthy woman approached St John Bosco seeking his wisdom for he was already well known for his counseling work, especially helping young people through education to develop their skills. This wealthy woman wanted to seek St John Bosco's advice where to invest her money. When she asked the holy saint, St John Bosco smiled at her, and stretched out the palm of his hand. Yes, St John Bosco showed the best way for this wealthy woman to invest her money was to give it to him so he could continue to further his work of helping the youth. His missionary order, the Salesians was truly a miracle work of God.

This month we honor St John Bosco. Today sadly, many youth (and elderly) are being neglected. The youth is our future and the elderly are the heroes that built our country. They are subjected to the worse treatment and abuse either by a corrupt media or an uncaring society and government.

That is why we dedicate our work to the youth and to the elderly to encourage and comfort them.
- Start a 9-day Novena in Honor of St John Bosco for young people, especially your children.
- Volunteer to become a member of our organization and give your skills to God
- And most important, sanctify your soul through good works and acts of mercy and love

The battle for souls is more intense today than ever. Become a Knight of St Michael. "Put on the Armor Of God ! "
To know more about St. John Bosco, please visit The St. Michael's Center for the Blessed Virgin Mary


  1. I had heard that John Bosco's mother was being considered for Sainthood, is that true? I hope so.

    Peace to you:)

    Marie xoxooxox

  2. Marie, you know, I wouldn't be at all surprised. I will have to look into that.

    God bless,

  3. One of my favorite saints.
