Thursday, January 17, 2008

Become a Lay Missionary of the Blessed Sacrament

JPII and Monstrance
Shared by Sue which she found at the Miracle of the Rosary Mission Click their link to read the entire article by Fr. Lucia.
...Lay Missionaries of the Blessed Sacrament - You can help spread Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration in the United States and throughout the world. Read the article by Father Martin Lucia, M.S.S. and find out how:

I am fully convinced that if it were humanly possible to fully understand the value of the Holy Hour, everyone would either find time or make time to do it. The difficulty of finding time in today's busy world makes the daily Holy Hour that much more precious and meritorious in the eyes of God.

For those who make a daily Holy Hour, or as a result of this article are inspired to do so, I ask you to please pray for the spread of Perpetual Adoration throughout the world...

Our goal is to help every parish establish Perpetual Adoration, not only in the United States, but throughout the world.

What will make this possible are the Lay Missionaries of the Blessed Sacrament.

A Lay Missionary is one who make a daily Holy Hour, and contributes a donation each month to help support a seminarian studying for the priesthood.

Your daily Holy Hour generates the graces necessary for the spread of Perpetual Adoration. (The Holy Hour can be before the Tabernacle when Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament is not available.) And your monthly donation makes it possible for a young man to study for the priesthood.

Not everyone is called to be a priest. But to make it possible for someone to become a priest: one shares in the merits of his priesthood, and in the glory and graces of his Apostolate. In this case, the priest you help will dedicate his priesthood to going from parish to parish, setting up Chapels of Perpetual Adoration.

With the support you give this seminarian, and with all the graces generated by your daily Holy Hour, you will make a major impact on the Church.

Like Saint Therese, you will be a missionary without ever going to the missions!

If you feel called by God to be a Lay Missionary of the Blessed Sacrament, and are willing to make a daily Holy Hour, and to help a seminarian with a monthly donation, please fill out the Member's Promise and enrollment form.

On behalf of Our Eucharistic Lord, I thank you!

Father Martin Lucia, MS.S. is Founder of the Missionaries of the Blessed Sacrament. Their special apostolic work is promotion of Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration.
For additional Information:
Lay Missionaries of the Blessed Sacrament
4761 Foxdale Drive
Kettering, Ohio 45429 Phone: (513) 433-8781

A partial indulgence is granted the Christian faithful when they visit the Blessed Sacrament for the purpose of adoration. When this is done for at least half an hour, it is a plenary indulgence.


  1. Esther,
    WONDERFUL as usual! I appreciate all you do for our priests and seminarians and for your dedication in spreading the need for more of them.

    Steve and I were at Red Mass this morning. He gave me the calendar with names of priests. Let me know when we can meet, or email me...

    Much love to you dear sister,

  2. Easter, I tried to make it today but couldn't. Sorry to have missed what must have been a beautiful Mass. Just let me know when you can meet. Usually, the mornings are better for me. You can email me.
