Monday, December 17, 2007

Three Priests


  1. Thankyou Esther very beautiful reflection.

    We cannot go wrong when we follow Our Lady's example who always points to her Son, Jesus.

    Peace & JOY to you my friend:)

    Marie xoxoxo

  2. One of my best friends son has just entered seminary at St. Meinrad Seminary this last August. Pray for him...He is a delight and a real gift, but the road he is about to travel is so demanding and arduous. God love him!!!

  3. Esther, this is AWESOME! I love that you love our priests!

  4. Thank you Marie. I'm so glad you liked it.

    Will do GrandmaK. Make sure to visit the A Tribute to Our Priest blog see comment by Easter below. And I'm sure she will post about him too.

    Easter, thank you! I'm just so glad I found a fellow blogger so close to home who feels the same way :-)
