Saturday, December 29, 2007

Pope Benedict is considering bringing back the prayer to Saint Michael.

St. Michael the Archangel
H/T to Ed of In God's Company
According to Father Amorth (the Vatican's chief exorcist), Pope Benedict is considering bringing back the prayer to St Michael: “I remember a meeting we exorcists had with the Holy Father last year, in which he implored us to follow our mission as exorcists,” the Telegraph quoted him as saying. Father Amorth has also revealed that the Pope is contemplating reinstating use of the prayer said to Saint Michael the Archangel, which was abolished in the 1960s, because it is believed to be the prime protector against evil."
Be sure to visit Ed's blog for the links to the accompanying articles.


  1. Really? It was abolished? Hmmm, no one told Sister Camilla, who taught it to us in school in the mid-1970s :) I know I've used it often.

  2. Fr. Lombardi of the Holy See Press Office has denied others of Fr. Amorth's recent claims. Take this one with a grain of salt, at most.

    Also, as I understand it, the identity of an exorcist is to remain secret. I wonder about Fr. Amorth's claims of the being the "Vatican's chief exorcist."

  3. Oooh I have been PRAYING for this. I so hope our beloved Holy Father does this.

    I really do not know why it was discarded? It is a most powerful prayer.

    I will keep praying that this prayer will return to the Mass.

    Peace & JOY to you Esther:)

    Marie xoxoox

  4. The prayer of St, Michael was never "abolished," but it had been included at the end of mass, and that practice was discontinued after VCII. I'm happy to see it being picked up again.
