Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Happy Birthday Jesus!

Happy Birthday Jesus
Shared by Barb

A Special "Birthday Cake" For Jesus

Put in a cup of humility,
A cup of love goes in too.
Add a cup of caring and sharing,
I'm making it just for you.
You're my Savior and redeemer
So I'll add my heart as well,
For dying on that cross for me
And saving my soul from Hell.
I'll put in lots of forgiveness
For my fellow man,
For many here on Earth
Refuse God's perfect plan.
I'll add a cup of "glad" and "thankfuls"
Because God has for me,
A perfect place in His kingdom
To live for eternity.
I'll add my cup of cheer as well,
And a cup or two of faith,
That my friends and family near to me,
Will enter in that pearly gate.
I'll stir it all up in my soul,
And offer it to my King.
For myself is all I have to give,
I haven't any other thing.
I'll ice it all over with my prayers,
To be a lamp so bright,
So others may see in me
God's perfect wondrous light.
Happy Birthday Jesus!

~ Author Unknown ~


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Esther dearest,
    Opppsss sorry, I made a mistake so I deleted the original message... Anyway, our relatives came, Joe's mom led in the prayers, we sang Happy Birthday to Jesus, and then enjoyed the blessings set before us at the table. It was a blessed and joyful Christmas!

  3. Merry Christmas Esther.
    My little ones made Jesus a birthday card. They laid it at his feet in the manger at church after Mass.
    I'm about to write about it on my home ed blog "Thinking Love, No Twaddle"

  4. Sounds wonderful Easter!

    Merry Christmas WS!
