Monday, December 03, 2007

Feast Day of St. Francis Xavier

St. Francis XSince he is a well known saint, I wanted to post something a little different like the following:
St.Francis Xavier, patron saint of Goa, died when he was on a sea voyage to China on December 2 in 1552. As was wished by him, the subsequent year, at the time of transferring his relics to Goa, it was discovered that the saint’s body was as fresh as the day it was buried. This miraculous phenomenon became a magnet for the devout from all over the lands, and when every ten years, his body is exposed publicly, lakhs of pilgrims rush to have a pious look of the sacred body.

Source: Magnificent Goa


  1. St. Francis X is amazing in so many ways! We enjoyed reading his life this morning at the start of our school day, and looked at the pics of his incorrupt body in "The Incorruptibles," by Joan Carroll Cruz. What an awesome testimonial to sanctity is that miracle!

  2. My youngest son, Xavier, is under the Protection of St. Bartholomew, the Apostle since St. Francis Xavier is post-Schism.

    However, I have a soft spot for St. Francis Xavier, thank you.

  3. my daughter was baptized at Saint Francis Xavier church in BC:)

  4. I need to get that book Lisa.

    Mimi, that's wonderful that you named your son Xavier.

    Great DM!

  5. There used to be a website for Incorruptible Saints...with full color pictures. My book had only black and white.

  6. Thanks for the reminder Diana!! Yes, there is a good website.
