Sunday, December 30, 2007

Feast Day of the Holy Family

Holy Family

Prayer for a Family

God of goodness and mercy,
to your fatherly protection we recommend our family,
our household, and all that belongs to us.
Fill our home with your blessings
as you filled the holy house of Nazareth
with your presence.
Keep us from sin.
Help each one of us to obey your holy laws,
to love you sincerely, and to imitate your example,
the example of Mary, your mother and ours,
and the example of your holy guardian, St. Joseph.

Lord, preserve us and our home
from all evils and misfortunes.
May we ever be resigned to your divine will
even in the crosses and sorrows
which you allow to come to us.
Finally, give all of us the grace to live in harmony and love toward our neighbor.
Grant that each of us may deserve by a holy life
the comfort of your Sacraments at the hour of death.

Bless this house,
God the Father, who created us,
God the Son, who suffered for us on the Cross,
and God the Holy Spirit, who sanctified us at Baptism..
May the one God in three divine Persons
preserve our bodies,
purify our minds,
direct our hearts,
and bring us all to everlasting life.


From the New Saint Joseph People's Prayer Book, Catholic Book Publishing


  1. AMEN & AMEN:)

    Thanks for this beautiful prayer Esther:).

    I wont be posting tomorrow you will see why when you read my blog. Say a prayer for my mother:).

    Peace & JOY to you:)

    Marie xoxoxoxo

  2. I prayed it for my own home. I thank you, dear Esther!

    Check out my blog for priests. You'd be happy you did. Please spread the word, dear friend, that many will pray for him...


  3. Hello and blessings to you this day from Ireland.
    I have hust had time to quickly look over your blog - I realy like the layout and realise I've been missing out on much, but thanks to your friend at a Bit of the Blarney, I can now look forward to reading more.

  4. Thank you for this post. Your blog is such a wonderful testimonial.

  5. I will be praying Marie.
    God bless,

    I sure will Easter. Your blog is on my read daily list :-)

    Glad you liked it, DM

    Thank you Veritas! I look forward to visiting your blog too.

    Thank you SR.
