Sunday, December 02, 2007

Books We Will Be Reading During Advent

The following are some of the books my family and I will be reading during Advent:

1. Catholic Customs & Traditions: A Popular Guide by Greg Dues. The reason I selected this book is because it has a chapter on the tradition of Advent. It gives a little history of this season which kicks off the new liturgical year. It tells of its origins and how it evolved into its own liturgical season from that of Christmas. It touches on the penitential theme as well as the advent symbols. Although it doesn't have the imprimatur or nihil obstat that I look for in Catholic books that gives a book that seal of approval I look for, it will at least direct me the right direction when looking for more resources. Publishers Twenty-Third Publications, Mystic, Connecticut ISBN: o-89622-432-5.

2. From the Angel's Blackboard: The Best of Fulton J. Sheen: A Centennial Celebration. I picked up this book as the book I would be reading during Adoration. I haven't been able to put it down. This is the kind of book you read slowly with reflection and meditation as you would the Holy Bible passages.
"In recognition of the 100th anniversary of his birth, tis compendium presents his finest and most enduring messages of counsel, wisdom and spiritual healing..."
At this time I am reading "Sanctifying the Moment". This saintly archbishop tells his readers two ways to become spiritual and mentally healthy through the use of the Sacrament of Confession and living in the "now". As usual, he includes his unique sense of humor as evidenced by the following little anecdote about dealing with difficult people:
"There is a legend that one day Abraham was visited in the desert by an Arab, who set up loud complaints of the food, the lodging, the bed, and the wine that his generous host had offered him. Finally, Abraham became exasperated and was about to put him out. Go appeared to Abraham at that moment and said: 'Abraham, I have stood this man for forty years; can't you put up with him for one day?"
This beautiful book is published by Triumph Books, Liguori, Missouri ISBN 0-89243-777-4.

3. Portraits in American Sanctity edited by Joseph N. Tylenda, S.J. Just look at the introduction found in this book written by Marion A. Habig, O.F.M.: "The saints are back! That is what Bishop Norbert F. Gaughan auxiliary of the Greensburg diocese, tells us (Visitor, Sept. 13, 1981)...
"The 1960's wrote Bishop Gaughan 'saw churches emptied of many statues. (What Reformation enthusiasts could not do, Catholics did). Devotion to the saints went underground. Many blamed a Vatican spirit as interpreted to them; it betrayed 'true' Catholic belief."

At long last, many Catholics have discovered that it was an unfortunate misinterpretation. "Far from banishing the saints from the church buildings, the sacred liturgy, and the spiritual life of the People of God, both as individuals and as a community, Vatican II has not only restated the pronouncements of previous councils, but has also set forth in a masterful, concise, and lucid manner the role which the saints in heaven play in the Church on earth..."
This book contains 25 stories of saintly men and women living in America. Each of their story is written by a priest or a religious. Since the book was written, some have already been canonized by the Roman Catholic Church. Some of the names include the following:
1. Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha
2. Blessed Rose Philippine Duchesne
3. Venerable Antonio Margil de Jesus, O.F.M.
4. Venerable Felix DeAndreis, C.M.
5. Venerable (now Blessed and soon to be Saint) Damien de Veuster and twenty more.

Franciscan Herald Press, Chicago, Illinois, ISBN 0-8199-0846-0

Our son is currently reading 1000 Questions and Answers on Catholicism by Philip O'Reilly. It is a book that he borrowed from Fr. Duffy the other day."This enlightening book offers the interested reader - Catholic and non-Catholic alike- a clear definition of what Catholicism is, and gives authoritative answers to the questions most often asked about Catholic faith and practice..." Angelus Books

My dear husband will continue to read The Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius of Loyola. It is a book he has owned since contemplating the priesthood over 20 years ago.
"Translated from the Spanish with a commentary and a translation of the Directorium in Exercitia by the Late W. H. Longridge of the Society of St. John the Evangelist., A.R. Mowbray * Co. LTD., London: Milwakukke, USA: The Morehouse Publishing Co., Printed in England."

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