Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Being Holy Through the Sacrament of Marriage

MarriageThe following is an excerpt from It's Hard to Be Holy by Larry and Mary Sue Eck:
..."We realized that the only vow we ever took in our lives was to love, honor and cherish each other until death. Marriage Encounter and Father Chuck (Gallagher who championed Worldwide Marriage Encounter in the 60's and who gave the following advice to couples: 'It's fine and holy to lift your arms up in praise of God, as long as you put them around each other when you bring them down') taught us that our holiness must begin and end with how we lived out that vow. In other words, we can go to a prayer meeting every night, spend hours in Adoration, go to daily Mass, say rosary after rosary but if we aren't living our Sacrament of Matrimony well, we aren't holy. In fact, maybe we are deeply in sin. Our spirituality is not contemplative. It is matrimonial. We personally believe that matrimonial holiness is one heck of a lot harder to live. For example, we shouldn't ask God's forgiveness for hurting each other if we haven't asked each other's forgiveness first. That's tough..."
From the Editorial by Larry and Mary Sue Eck and appearing in the Winter Issue 2007 of Medjugorje Magazine.

Larry and Mary Sue Eck are the Editors and Publishers of Medjugorje Magazine. The Ecks have recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. May God bless them and their family always.


  1. Great post Esther!

  2. It is very difficult for anyone trying to live a Holy life. We MUST PRAY much and also allow the Word of God to penetrate into our hearts and minds.

    What a wonderful couple. Thankyou Esther:)

    Peace & JOY to you:)


  3. When I was not very religious I prayed to St Jude to help me pick a husband...so prayer to me is tantamount to marriage. We have such a happy marriage.

    I was not happy growing up but it sure made me appreciate a good man. I try to pray for those who prayed on their choice in marriage, are holy, yet their spouse challenges them.

  4. Thanks Tracy. I liked that issue of MM. It was all about holiness.

    Marie, so true.

    That is wonderful Diana and from what I can tell, God sure helped you finding the right man for you.

  5. What a wonderful quote! Deep to think about, hard to accomplish! I agree (though my unmarried sisters try to differ with me!) Marriage is the most difficult vocation! And I have a saintly husband! It's rewarding, but not easy!

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  7. I agree with you Lisa :-)
