Saturday, December 01, 2007

Advent Pledge

Shared by Barb.
During the holy season of Advent, I will prepare "My Christmas Gift to Jesus" by :

1. Remembering the real meaning of Christmas - it is the Birthday of Jesus.

2. Thinking more often of Jesus - than Christmas presents and other distractions.

3. Attending Mass and receiving Holy Communion, as often as possible.

4. Making Him a manger in my heart, through my little daily sacrifices.

5. Helping by our good example to lead others to Jesus, as the Christmas star did.

6. Asking our Blessed Mother and St. Joseph to bring me closer to Jesus.

7. Praying during Advent for "Peace on earth".

8. Placing Jesus at the center of Christmas in our homes with a Christmas Crib.

9. Sending Catholic Christmas cards to help "Keep Christ in Christmas".

10. Preparing our hearts to receive Jesus in Holy communion on Christmas Morning.


- To a personal enemy, forgiveness;
- To a friend, your heart;
- To your child, a good example;
- To your parents, respect and conduct that will make them proud of you;
- To your neighbours, love;
- To yourself, respect;
- To all men, charity.
Author unknown to me. If anyone knows, please let me know so I can give proper credit.


  1. Oh, I like this very much!!

  2. So did I when I saw it come through my email.

  3. Beautiful Esther. I have been wondering about how to help the children make their gift for Jesus this year and this could be a great inspiration...

  4. Glad to hear it WS!

  5. This is so good!

    I have missed your blog. I haven't been on too much, but at least my kids and husband got what they needed!Didn't have too much time to spare.

  6. Aloha Diana!! Thank you. I was happy to see you posting again too.
