Friday, November 16, 2007

Our Children - Living Sacrifices

Shared by Sue
A famous commercial asks, "Do you know where your children are tonight?" "Sure," you may say, "they're right in the other room watching television." With that assurance, you settle down to a good night's sleep. But, should it be left at that? Are Christian parents falling into Satan's trap of the false assurance that as long as their kids are at home they're okay, when this may sometimes be far from the truth?

The Word says, "Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire..." (Deuteronomy 18:10). One could extrapolate from that: don't sacrifice your children to demons ... wherever they are. You wouldn't leave your kids in your living room drinking a quart of vodka, but what are they drinking into their souls through your TV...with what spirits are they "communing"?

What is behind all the brutal violence, sexuality and greed so prevalent in the most popular programming? The Apostle Paul warned: "...the things which the Gentiles sacrifice they sacrifice to demons and not to God, and I do not want you to have fellowship with demons. You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons; you cannot partake of the Lord's table and the table of demons..." (1 Corinthians 10:20-21).

Of course, there are worthwhile Christ-centered programs on television and also on DVD. But, if viewing isn't monitored and selective, what are your children watching? Someday your children's lives will bear the fruit of what they are absorbing now. Consider whose cup they are drinking from daily. Re-evaluate tonight your responsibilities as parents when it comes to your children's television habits, so you can all have sweet dreams.

Let's Pray Together…

Heavenly Father, thank you for the children you have entrusted to me. Keep me from allowing them to be sacrificed to demon spirits through television or other worldly sources. Grant me wisdom and courage to monitor their viewing so they might grow up strong, committed and bringing glory to You. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Author Unknown


  1. I love the prayer! Thank you Esther. My children do not watch television, for about 5 years now due to a despicable picture shown on Sesame Street. It took me 2 years to completely wean them from television viewing, but it worked! Let us pray also that the youth of today, including our catholic teen bloggers, will not be tempted to view those obscene clips on YouTube. I always remind my girls to stay away from them and they just give me a funny look (that look that says, "don't your trust us, mom?" I just smile and say, "I'm your mother and it's my job to remind you." A hug and a kiss to go with it is good also. :-)

    Thank you for this post, dear Esther!

  2. Easter, I didn't know they didn't watch any TV. How smart of you! Unfortunately, we aren't doing that right now but we try to limit it to clean shows.
