Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Methods of Assisting at Holy Mass

"It is a common practice to limit our prayers to petition. This is a mistake. We owe God, first of all, adoration; secondly, gratitude.

We can never thank Him sufficiently, though we were to employ eternity n so doing, for the innumerable gifts, material and spiritual, temporal and eternal, which He bestowed upon us. Life, redemption, our Catholic faith, preservation from grave sin, the grace of conversion, health, relatives and friends- theres are but a few of God's gifts.

Let us rejoice, therefore, to thank God by means of the Holy Mass.

After adoration and thanksgiving comes atonement.

Prostrate at the foot of Calvary's cross, down which the most precious blood of Jesus Christ flowers from His gaping wounds, we should beg pardon for our sins which have thus nailed Christ to the cross. Let us ask Him to pure His precious blood over our souls that they may be cleansed from their polluting stains.

Prayer of petition should not be forgotten It it we beg of God for the favors of which we stand in need."
-from Association of Marian Helpers.

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