Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Feast Day of St. Frances X. Cabrini

Mother Cabrini
First Naturalized American citizen to be canonized a Catholic saint

From the opening prayer at Mass this morning:

God our Father,
you called Frances Xavier Cabrini from Italy
t serve the immigrants of America.
By her example teach us concern for the stranger,
the sick and the frustrated.
By her prayers help us to see Christ
in all the men and women we meet.
Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.

"Regardless of how difficult a project is, I place it in the adorable Heart of Jesus. The I can securely rest in peace, even when far away, knowing well that He knows what to do and brings to completion every work that I desire for His glory...
Mother Frances X. Cabrini

One of my favorite places to visit in Colorado is the Mother Cabrini Shrine in Golden, Colorado. We have been able to visit thee twice and both times it was a breathtaking experience because of the view and the beauty of the shrine itself. The white stones Mother herself placed in a shape of a heart can still be seen at the shrine.

Mother Cabrini Shrine


  1. Anonymous4:19 PM

    "Regardless of how difficult a project is, I place it in the adorable Heart of Jesus. The I can securely rest in peace, even when far away, knowing well that He knows what to do and brings to completion every work that I desire for His glory..."

    What trust in that quote. So many times I find it hard to just walk away and trust that Jesus will fulfill His Will...I tend to try and 'control' the outcome..Trust is actually very difficult for me.

    I wonder if it is just my problem?

    What a beautiful Saint:)

    Thanks Esther:)

    Peace to you:)


  2. Anonymous7:53 AM

    My 6th daughter is named Elizabeth Frances Therese ..after Elizabeth Seton & Frances Cabrini..all-american gal!

  3. Marie, I noticed that when I try to take control, things don't go so well. However, when I leave it in God's hands, they go better than I ever imagined!

    LOL, she sure is Jackie!
