Friday, November 23, 2007

Feast Day of Blessed Miguel Agustin Pro, S.J.

Today at Mass, Fr. Paul shared the story of Blessed Miguel Pro during his homily. He told us that it wasn't that long ago that this happened. That got me thinking that this saint was martyred on November 23rd, 1927. That would have made my father 11 days old.

My mom and I were discussing him today and she asked me why he is still considered blessed when he was martyred. Shouldn't he be Saint Miguel Pro?

Padre Pro
Padre Miguel Pro kneeling in prayer before execution

The Firing Squad

Photo source: Here

Blessed Pro
"Viva Cristo Rey"

For more photos of that fateful day and a chronological report of what occurred, Check out this site. However, it is in Spanish. I will briefly explain the scenes below:

Scene 1: Six soldiers are ready to fire. The are surrounded by a wall and curious onlookers or witnesses to what is about to occur.

Scene 2: The officials in charge of the execution: Roberto Cruz, the police inspector. He is the one with his hand in his pocket. Next to him is Antonio Gómez Velasco, an integral part of the Presidency.

Scene 3: Padre Miguel Agustin taking the walk of the condemned man to the location of his execution.

Scene 4: Padre Miguel Austin, moments before his martyrdom, ask the official for permission to pray.

Scene 5: This is the most famous of all the photos taken of Padre Pro. It is the one with his arms outstretched. He serenely awaits the assail of bullets that will take him home. In one hand, he is holding his Rosary.

Scene 6: A soldier delivers the coup de grace. After Padre Pro is killed, his companions follow the same fate...Luis Segura Vilchis, Humberto Pro y Juan Tirado Arias. These four men were given the title of the Martyrs of Cristo Rey by Liga Nacional Defensora de la Libertad Religiosa


  1. Thank you Esther for this wonderful post of Miguel Pro.
    What a blessing he is. May he pray for us all.

  2. Excellent post, Esther! I, too, would like to see him canonized very soon. Those photos prove he is a martyr for the faith. This reminds me Pope John Paul II and Blessed Mother Teresa whom we know are saints, but they must go through the official stages of canonization. I pray that it happens soon for the three of them.

    I pray that we all have the faith to be martyrs - white or red.

    God bless you!

  3. My daughter was able to join Regnum Christe's Challenge Girl's Club. They have a video contest every year. Last year they did theirs on him. Some parts of our website are private but you might find it--- and I'll let them know you should have permission to see it---- at http:/

  4. here is the link to the Video Amor Y Guerra

  5. Mary, thank you so much for sharing the video with me. It was wonderful! I've never heard of the young Mexican martyr. But I look forward to reading more about him.
    BTW, is "Hannah" any relation ;-)
    Thanks again and God bless,

  6. Thanks Micki and Jean!

  7. That's my girl!
    Well one of my girls's ; )
