Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Why are the Converts treated this way?

Both of the following were written by Marie, a convert Catholic, and a very fine Catholic at that!
Why I Stayed: A Catholic Conversion

No Converts Please, We're Catholic


  1. Good Lord. What Marie suffered. I hadn't seen her blog before but I'm appalled at what she was put through from day one. A more dysfunctional parish I've never heard of. From day ONE in RCIA, by all rights she should have left. The woman coming into an RCIA class and castigating would be Catholics? Outrageous. That that person wasn't summarily thrown out on HER ear right then and there screamed "something is rotten in Denmark."

  2. Thankyou Esther for linking my pieces. But you know the thing I learnt most of all...It is only through PAIN one comes to cherish JOY!

    The people I worry about are those who never came back:((. Their hearts were crushed. I pray for their healing daily.

    I did go and offer to take many of them to my new Parish, but the pain they went through has hardened their hearts.

    The suffering I endured was immense but the Ocean of God's Love covers all. I have no bitterness in my heart towards anyone.

    God bless you both:).

    With love,


  3. That is shocking! I never realized that anything like that is happening anywhere. I guess that because I have a good number of converts in my circle, I don't imagine that this is happening.
    My prayers are with people who are driven away from the Church because of such behavior.

  4. I know Karen and Barb. It was shocking to me too.

    Marie, we just have to pray for those folks.
