Thursday, October 11, 2007

What the Saints Have to Say About - Suffering


I shall remind myself of the labors He undertook in preaching, of his weariness while traveling, of the temptations He suffered while fasting, of his vigils while praying, and of the tears He shed out of compassion. I will remember, moreover, his sorrows, and the insults, spittle, blows, ridicule, rebukes, nails, and all the rest that rained down upon Him in abundance.
- St. Bernard of Clairvaux
Say always, 'My beloved and despised Redeemer, how sweet it is to suffer for you.'
- St. Alphonsus Liguori
I have had crosses in plenty-more than I could carry, almost. I set myself to ask for the love of crosses-then I was happy.
- St. John Vianney
The temple of the spirit is raised through work and suffering; and I would add that suffering counts for more than work.
- St. Anthony Mary Claret
Many people would be ready to accept suffering so long as they were not inconvenienced by it. "I wouldn't be bothered by poverty," says one, "If it didn't keep me from helping my friends, educating my children, and living respectably." "It wouldn't bother me," says another, "So long as people didn't think it was my own fault." Or another would be willing to suffer evil lies told about him as long as no one believed his detractors.
- St. Francis de Sales.
An unpitied pain wins greater merit before God. Never say to God: "Enough"; simply say, "I am ready!"
- Blessed Sebastian Valfre
Try to resemble that holy soul who wouldn't give up the least part of her sufferings so as not to lose the merit thereof.
- St. Joseph Cafasso
Suffering is a short pain and a long joy.
- Blessed Henry Suso
When it is all over, you will not regret having suffered; rather you will regret having suffered so little and suffered that little so badly.
- Blessed Sebastian Valfre
To suffer much, yet badly, is to suffer like reprobates. To suffer much, even bravely, but for a wicked cause, is to suffer as a martyr of the devil. To suffer much or little for the sake of God is like to suffer like saints.
- St. Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort
What I suffered is known only to One for whose love and in whose cause it is pleasing and glorious to suffer.
- St. Isaac Jogues

From Wisdom of the Saints - Jill Haak Adels


  1. These are good, Esther!
    I have a collection of suffering quotes from the saints. too.

    Today, I quoted Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen and will be linking to this post, too.

    Thanks for sharing these.

    God bless you!

  2. Anonymous5:31 PM

    The best suffering is done in silence....:)

    Loved these quotes. Thanks Esther

  3. Say always, 'My beloved and despised Redeemer, how sweet it is to suffer for you.'

    St. Alphonsus Liguori

    Is "despised" correct?!


  4. I saw it Jean. Thanks.

    So true Marie.

    Yes, because I believe St. Alphonsus is referring to Jesus being despised by many.

  5. Anonymous4:00 AM

    Thanks for sharing these, Esther, they're great. You just visited my blog; I'm paying yours a visit in return. Lovely!

  6. Thank you for stopping by Aimee and for commenting.
