Sunday, October 07, 2007

Prayer for Peace

peace doves
I told the lovely ladies at View from the Pews that I would be joining in their Bloggers Praying for Peace project. The following is this week prayer.

Prayer for Peace Among All Peoples

We pray for all people.
They are divided into nations and races,
but all are Your children.
They draw life and being from You,
and are commanded to obey Your laws,
according to each person's capacity
to know and understand them.

Put an end to hatred and conflict,
that lasting peace may pervade the earth
and all people may be blessed with the fruit of peace.
Thus the fraternal spirit among people
will manifest their faith
that You are the Father of all.

From New Saint Joseph People's Prayer Book, Catholic Book Publishing Company


  1. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Amen & Amen:)

    beautiful prayer and picture.

    Lord Hear Our Prayer.

    Peace to you:)


  2. Amen.

