Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The Newman Guide to Choosing a Catholic College

Thanks Sue!

I am so thrilled that this publication will be available to Catholic parents! I just placed our order. Can't wait to start searching for a quality Catholic school for the Joe.

Today the Cardinal Newman Society announced the publication of a new comprehensive college guide for students and parents, The Newman Guide to Choosing a Catholic College: What to Look for and Where to Find It. Edited by Joseph A. Esposito, The Newman Guide will be officially published on Nov. 1, 2007.
The “Joyfully Catholic” colleges are: Christendom College, The College of Saint Thomas More, Franciscan University of Steubenville, Magdalen College, Thomas Aquinas College, The Thomas More College of Liberal Arts, University of Dallas, and the University of St. Thomas (Houston, Tex.).

The “Born from the Crisis” colleges are: Ave Maria University, Holy Apostles College & Seminary, John Paul the Great Catholic University; Our Lady Seat of Wisdom Academy, Southern Catholic College and Wyoming Catholic College.

The “Fighting the Tide” colleges are: Aquinas College (Nashville, Tenn.), Belmont Abbey College, Benedictine College, The Catholic University of America, DeSales University, Mount St. Mary’s University and St. Gregory’s University.

Cardinal Newman Society


  1. i really like the monstrance on your blog title:)

  2. Anonymous6:02 PM

    My sister and her husband both attended Christendom College and LOVED it!
    Happy hunting!

  3. Anonymous4:53 AM


    Do those "categories" describe the way the collge was formed, what the college "mindset is" or what types of person should attend there, or would become?

    I don't even know if I am making sense, lol.

    Still love reading you!

    God Bless,

  4. Thanks DM.

    Wonderful! I will take a look at that one.

    I don't know Tracy. I haven't received it yet but maybe it says so on their website. Hope you are well!

  5. Anonymous12:28 PM

    i didnt have the chance (more like $) to go to a catholic school nor did I for k-12, I went to a public state school.
    But if Joey happens to end up at a public school go to ones that have a Catholic Newman Center mines has one.
    Texas A&M has a big catholic student center and they produce many vocations!

  6. MM, I believe most colleges and universities do have Newman Centers but one must be careful that they are orthodox Catholic.
